TI setup interface is buggy

Issue #694 closed
Radu Cantor created an issue

There are a lot of small bugs and issues with the TI setup GUI.

  1. After selecting the instance and the TI you want to use the parameters list do not load. First you have to close the pop-up or refresh the page and then open the GUI again to make them appear.
  2. The same happens if you edit the status messages. If you click immediately on the parameters, they don’t show up. Page refresh or open / close GUI is required
  3. When you edit a parameter which requires the extended list options, such as checkbox or subnm, after every change you make in the GUI the screen flickers and refreshes, so you have to focus the mouse again with a click on the field you were editing.
  4. The input boxes are way too small (I have already complained about this a few times). You can’t write a meaningful label or value for a parameter if the box is 10 characters wide only.
  5. Overall, the GUI for TI is laggy and slow. for every change you make it takes times to refresh and update. Sometimes it can freeze for a few seconds.
  6. Selecting an icon for the button isn’t very intuitive. It’s not clear where to click and where you see the result.

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