Default value on a filter does not appear if it depends on another filter (properly populated)

Issue #708 resolved
Oscar Gonzalo created an issue

Hi Team,

We have several templates with filters based on another filter value.In our case, list of departments (functions) depends on the year (labeled as ‘function’ and ‘projection_type’ in the screenshot).

When loading the template in the browser, no functions appear (projection_type appears normally). We have to reload twice or trice, or change the projection_type manually.

We have installed 2023-05.

Comments (8)

  1. Scott Wiltshire
    • changed status to open

    Hi Oscar, I can only replicate this if Wait for Filterbar setting on the view or dashboard is not enabled.

  2. Oscar Gonzalo reporter

    Hi Scott,

    I’ve checked this ‘Wait for Filterbar’ and is set to yes (now I’m attaching an screenshot). I’ve tested also in 202305.FP1

  3. Oscar Gonzalo reporter


    I’ve noted that, when an user opens any template and Apliqo gets metadata information, Api in TM1 Server takes too much time (>1min). See attached screenshots.

    Performance has been degradated since the upgrade to 20203.05 and upgrade to FP1 didn’t improve.

    Is there something to be updated in TM1Server?

  4. Oscar Gonzalo reporter

    We’ve done some more analysis on the query and have found that it’s the Structure property that’s causing the bottleneck.

    In fact, if we only select the same properties in the root select query, it returns in <0.5 secs.  Now obviously I don’t know whether Apliqo requires the other info, but could be a potential benefit for other clients too given as I understand it triggers during authentication and when a new report is opened.  Probably not as significant for other clients with less dimensions.


    "@odata.context": "$metadata#Dimensions(Name,UniqueName,Attributes,Hierarchies,DefaultHierarchy)/$entity",

    "@odata.etag": "W/\"ed9d533a66f1b2a8810a2955d6275bf400c1b376\"",

    "Name": "20dims_1",

    "UniqueName": "[20dims_1]",

    "Attributes": {

    "Caption": "20dims_1"


    "Hierarchies": [


    "@odata.etag": "W/\"6b0ff7e9c4b1800c8e32958901728d6aa5859e80\"",

    "Name": "20dims_1",

    "UniqueName": "[20dims_1].[20dims_1]",

    "Cardinality": 1,

    "Structure": 0,

    "Visible": true,

    "Attributes": {

    "Caption": "20dims_1"




    "DefaultHierarchy": {

    "@odata.etag": "W/\"6b0ff7e9c4b1800c8e32958901728d6aa5859e80\"",

    "Name": "20dims_1",

    "UniqueName": "[20dims_1].[20dims_1]",

    "Cardinality": 1,

    "Structure": 0,

    "Visible": true,

    "Attributes": {

    "Caption": "20dims_1"




    Revised query:



    "@odata.context": "$metadata#Dimensions(Name,UniqueName,Attributes,Hierarchies(Name,UniqueName,Attributes),DefaultHierarchy(Name,UniqueName,Attributes))/$entity",

    "@odata.etag": "W/\"ed9d533a66f1b2a8810a2955d6275bf400c1b376\"",

    "Name": "20dims_1",

    "UniqueName": "[20dims_1]",

    "Attributes": {

    "Caption": "20dims_1"


    "Hierarchies": [


    "@odata.etag": "W/\"6b0ff7e9c4b1800c8e32958901728d6aa5859e80\"",

    "Name": "20dims_1",

    "UniqueName": "[20dims_1].[20dims_1]",

    "Attributes": {

    "Caption": "20dims_1"




    "DefaultHierarchy": {

    "@odata.etag": "W/\"6b0ff7e9c4b1800c8e32958901728d6aa5859e80\"",

    "Name": "20dims_1",

    "UniqueName": "[20dims_1].[20dims_1]",

    "Attributes": {

    "Caption": "20dims_1"




    FYI we’ve also raised a case with IBM: TS014119051

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