Cube Settings dialog does not show MDX View created

Issue #710 open
Rodrigo Mazziero created an issue

Describe the bug
When opening the Cube Settings, on the Dialog box for the cube List, it only shows Native views, it does not show MDX Views created in Arc.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Login to UX_Samples TM1 Instance from Arc.
  2. In Arc, Create and save a MDX view
  3. Login to UX, open Cube Settings, expand the list of Views of the Cube, it only shows Native views.

Expected behavior
It should show all views, both Native and MDX.




TM1: 11.8.00600.6

UX: 2023.05 FP1


Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wiltshire
    • changed status to open

    Currently this is by design. Only native views are considered as data sources in cube settings. This is because native views have properties for row, column and filter dimensions. MDX views don’t have this.

  2. Rodrigo Mazziero reporter

    Hi Scott,

    Thanks for the update. I see, thought it could be the case.

    Still, It would be good to recognize somehow from the MDX Query. Potentially scanning the query and checking what is before the “ON COLUMNS” and “ON ROWS”, and the WHERE Clause.

    This would be a good enhancement, if that's possible.

    At the current client where this was noticed, they are Slice Users, so the MDX view is more common than Native.


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