Report issue after upgrade to 2023.05 FP1

Issue #711 resolved
Jithin V Stalin created an issue

Hi Team,

We are having an issue where some of the reports are broken for the users after upgrade to version 2023.05 FP1 and the report returns blank screen when we try to launch.

Can someone please take a look into the issue??

Comments (3)

  1. Jithin V Stalin reporter

    Hi Ada, Yes, we performed that step.

    We were able to identify what caused the issue, looks like some reports had null in the inserted rows and columns section of the report setting. This was causing an issue, we removed the section and the reports are working as expected.

    "insertedRowsAndColumns": {null, null,


    Do you know why this is an issue post upgrade??

  2. Ada Trajer

    Hi Jithin, thank you for the update. I will look into the issue with the advanced options and let you know. As the reports now work as expected I'm resolving the issue.

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