Navigate to another Report from Charts not working

Issue #714 open
Rodrigo Mazziero created an issue

Describe the bug
Enabling the “Target View” from charts are not working, the option does not appear when right-clicking on the data series of the chart. If converting to Grid, it does appear and work..

Enabling the dimension option “Hyperlink to change filters”, make the right-click on the chart shows the option “filter by…”, but when It is clicked, it actually navigates to the target report, when it should be 2 separate actions, one to filter within the same Page, and the other, the option to Navigate to another Report.

To Reproduce
This was noticed at a client model, but it can be reproduced on the UX Demo app.

Add the settings for the Target view, the “navigate to” option does not appear on the chart…

But I can see it from the grid, on the “show source data”:

Next, enabling the dimension option “Hyperlink to change filters”, now the right-click on the chart shows the option “filter by…”, but when clicked, it actually navigates to the target report.

Lastly, when navigating to the target Report, the filter does not change to the selected element IF there is a default element set on the dimension or the dimension is big and the “server mode” is enabled for the dim in the target.
If the dimension is small and the element is in the subset, it works.

UX version: 2023.05 FP1.

Expected behavior
Expected to show the option “Navigate to.. “ from the chart when right-clicking on the data series, and on the target report, filter by the element that we clicked.

screenshots attached.

Comments (6)

  1. Joana MFC Corte-Real

    Dear Rodrigo, Thank you for your feedbcak. If the issue presists on the lastest version, please open a new ticket.

  2. Rodrigo Mazziero reporter

    Hi Joana,

    Thanks for the response. Does this mean that the issue has been looked after, tested and fixed? It has been a while..

    I have the latest version on my laptop, 2024.02 FP1, and in a quick test now, it looks like the issues are still happening.. The Target view navigation does not appear, and enabling the “hyperlink” to change filters, when doing a right-click and “Filter by..” it actually navigates to the target View previously set.

    It would be appreciated if the issue was actually looked after, as this initially came from a customer.

    Thank you!


  3. Rodrigo Mazziero reporter
    • changed status to open

    Issue still happening on latest version 2024.02 FP1, can be easily replicated on the Demo App as described. Thanks!

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