Comments (Cell Annotations) not working from UX when Sandbox dimension option is enabled

Issue #717 open
Rodrigo Mazziero created an issue

Having the CFG parameter to enable sandbox dimension (EnableSandboxDimension = true), looks like make the Comments stop working from UX. It is still possible to do comments from Arc or TM1Web though..

It throws the error code 248, saying that the dimension is invalid when trying to save it.

This was noticed on a client environment, but easily replicated on the Demo instance, just set the cfg parameter to true, restart the instance, and try to add new comments on the cube..

This causes the notifications feature to be limited, as it is not saving the comment made when sending it to another user, etc..

It should work with or without the sandbox dimension feature enabled.

thanks for looking into it!

Comments (6)

  1. Rodrigo Mazziero reporter

    Just an extra info that when this feature enabled also makes the data entry on the Grid to not work either!

    even if explicitly add the sandbox dimension and fix the “base” elements.. it always throws the error below:

  2. Joana MFC Corte-Real

    Dear Rodrigo, Thank you for you feedback.
    We are aware of this issue, at the moment this is not supported, we will address it in future releases.

  3. Rodrigo Mazziero reporter

    Hi Joana,

    Ok, thanks for the update, just a note that this is still the case even in the latest release, 2024.02 FP1, just did a quick test and the same errors appears.

    Thank you!


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