Impersonation doesn't work

Issue #720 open
Radu Cantor created an issue

When impersonating a user on a system which uses CAM login it only works for the content store. It doesn’t impersonate the user on the main TM1 instance.

You can see in the attached picture that I tried to impersonate Yong Lee Shin but the user session is only on the content store. On TM1 I still have full admin rights.

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wiltshire
    • changed status to open

    Hi Radu,

    Which version? I know we had this issue in 2023.05 but I thought it was resolved with FP1

  2. Scott Wiltshire

    Confirmed that when SSO is being used IBM does not support impersonation. So there is nothing we can do about this except make sure that this is documented.

  3. Wei Wang

    Wanted to clarify on SSO + impersonation. Did IBM remove this in the REST API in a PA 2.0.9.x release between Apliqo v2023.05 and v2024.02? We are still running an older PA and impersonate did seem to work in Apliqo before we upgraded to v2024.02. After upgrading to v2024.02, the menu item for “Impersonate” no longer appears. I assume the Apliqo team patched this after learning that IBM would be removing support for SSO + impersonate?

    Slight off-topic but how come impersonate works with Arc even when using the gateway SSO option? Or is this something that will also be removed from Arc in the near future?

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