UX Connection analytics is wrong

Issue #721 resolved
Radu Cantor created an issue

I turned on the Apliqo UX log for the connection analytics and I can clearly see that it’s completely off.

The Analytics cube in the content store shows only 4 unique logins for today (Sep 29th) but I know from Pulse that we had 60 users using the application throughout the day.

Please make this works properly or just remove it from the features.

Comments (6)

  1. Scott Wiltshire
    • changed status to open

    It’s a known issue that the connection log is not updated whern CAM is used.

    If CAM is being used for authentication then application logging should be enabled in the default constants and this should be used as the source for any analysis of user activity as this will be up to date and correct.

  2. Anita Jastrzebska

    The last login of the user from }APQ UX UserPreference has the same problem. It is not updated.

    How to get sorting of users per last login? Is the }APQ UX App Log the only source of such information?

  3. Scott Wiltshire

    This is because it’s the same event that writes the connection metadata (OS, browser, screen size) to the Connection Log screen and the actual timestamp to the User Preference cube. If the event isn’t triggered on login via CAM then both pieces of information will be missing.

    Providing that application logging is enabled ( 'UX_App_Log': true, in the default.constant.js file)

    Then you could do a custom TI process to read from }APQ UX App Log cube and update the connection log and User Preferences cube. I will see if I can bash this together for you.

  4. Scott Wiltshire

    @Radu Cantor @ Anita you can download the process }APQ.UX.Cub.ConnectionLog.Update.FromAppLog from Pulse if you are connected to ZH VPN and add to the local content store. If this process is run on demand or added to the daily maintenance chore then this will resolve the issue as long as page impression logging is switched on in the default.constant.js.

    Offline package: http://apliqo-poc.c3dev.local:8099/package/download?id=118889a9-97fd-4435-8d64-a571fe36369a
    Online package: http://apliqo-poc.c3dev.local:8099/package/download?id=a0f821ce-6614-4ade-a27e-d0909610f8f1

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