UXToolKit can't connect to Content Store

Issue #735 resolved
Aleksandr Kolchugin created an issue

When I try to store uxtoolkit credentials,

I receive the error:

UX Toolkit
(c) 2021 Apliqo AG
Version: Production
Loading and parsing application settings [C:\Program Files\Cubewise\ApliqoServer\py\dev\settings.json].
Using path to instances.json supplied from settings.json [C:/Program Files/Cubewise/ApliqoServer/webapps/TWDev/WEB-INF/instances.json].
Application settings loaded.
Loading instances.json file [C:\Program Files\Cubewise\ApliqoServer\webapps\TWDev\WEB-INF\instances.json].
Loaded instances.json file
Password, User name and CAM were stored in JSON config file [C:\Program Files\Cubewise\ApliqoServer\py\dev\settings.json].
Attempting to connect to content store and store settings into }APQ UX Instance Attributes cube.
Decoding password for content store
ERROR: Login attempt into content store [contentStore] with user [CAMID(SONORADOCLOUD:u:88c5cfe428189a4f953c537c494ad5c9)] has failed.
Text: '' - Status Code: 401 - Reason: 'Unauthorized' - Headers: {'Content-Type': 'text/plain', 'Content-Length': '0', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Set-Cookie': 'TM1SessionId=Q52U3iYR8KBLGY1rHVLiDRrBNYw; Path=/api/; HttpOnly; Secure', 'WWW-Authenticate': 'CAMPassport https://cubewise-timewise.sonorado.cloud:9300/bi/v1/disp, CAMNamespace'}

How can I debug it further?

What exactly is wrong with the credentials?

I receive this error every time if I enter the correct login and password or a not-existing login and password.

I successfully logged in by this account in Arc or ApliqoUX.

See attached instance.json and tm1.cfg files;


Comments (8)

  1. Scott Wiltshire
    • changed status to open

    If you are connecting via CAM then the user ID must be the user presented to the CAM gateway. Not the user from TM1 as specified in the }Clients dimension.

  2. Aleksandr Kolchugin reporter


    Could you please clarify your comment?

    This user is an active CAM user:

    I’m able to log in by this user via Arc

    If you meant that there should be CAMID instead of a user name, I used a dropdown list in the form, and, as I can see, it is converted to the CAMID during TI process execution.

  3. Aleksandr Kolchugin reporter

    I changed the CAMID in the bat file to the user }TM1_DefaultDisplayValue, and the credentials have been saved successfully.

    So I think it would be better to apply the following changes:

    • Try to find a better description for this parameter. It is not clear which name should be used from the current description “If using CAM then the user ID must be the user ID used when authenticating to CAM. For all other authentication modes it should be the element name from the }Clients dimension“. For example, we can add: “it should be not CAMID, but }TM1_DefaultDisplayValue or “User ID“ property in the CA user profile.”
    • Fix the process “}APQ.UX.Toolkit.Run.Store“, so if the pCAM parameter is not blank, then the process uses “}TM1_DefaultDisplayValue“ to generate a bat file.


  4. Scott Wiltshire

    If you look in the form itself the info text for Admin User actually tells you that if you are using CAM then the parameter type needs to be changed from subnm to input and what needs to be inputted is the name of the user as would be used to log in to CAM.

  5. Aleksandr Kolchugin reporter

    Yes, I see it now and in the CAM info text too . Thanks.

    I used the description from here: https://apliqoux.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/UXD/pages/2509309197/Metadata+syncing+service#»-Store And there is no information about mandatory changing input form before using with CAM.

    Maybe it would be easy to allow the process “}APQ.UX.Toolkit.Run.Store“ use “}TM1_DefaultDisplayValue“ with CAM, or are there possible cases when it doesn’t work?


  6. Scott Wiltshire

    There’s no guarantee that the friendly name stored under }TM1_DefaultDisplayValue has any relation to the login name for CAM so it has to be data input.

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