Unable to add column dividing lines between 2 columns

Issue #742 closed
Ashwini Vispute created an issue

Hello, I am currently working on an Apliqo UI for reporting needs. We are trying to add a line breaker between 2 hierarchical columns but we are unable to do so. We tried using border-right / border-left attributes from front and also from backend but its not working. Looks like it is a bug. Can you please have a look. See SS for your reference (trying to add column dividers between Absolute cost/units $MM and Absolute cost per unit columns )

Comments (5)

  1. Ada Trajer
    • changed status to open

    Hi Ashwini,

    Applying border class should work correctly in you example with stacked dimensions when instead of column names the index numbers are used, like in the screenshot below: 1.png

    Without the colspan option applied the divider should be full length (this is an issue we are working on fixing #684): 2.png

    There is also an option to insert a new column and format it as a divider, I'm attaching a short video on how to do so.

    Please let us know if any of the options is working for you.

  2. Ashwini Vispute reporter

    Thank you for your response and looking into this issue. In our case, requirement is a bit different. Number of columns are dynamic based on a control cube. So, based on a customer selection in the control cube the number of columns for the line break would change.

  3. Ada Trajer

    Hi, if the column selection is going to change dynamically it’s not possible at the moment to add a divider as the formatting it’s going to based on column name or its index in the table.

    Please open a ticket with the enhancement proposition and we will look into this.

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