Export to PDF for large report does not work

Issue #761 resolved
Cindy created an issue

We have a larger report (38 columns and 55 rows) and when trying to export to PDF I get the following error:

2024-01-23 09:14:21 com.cubewise.servlets.PrintChromiumServlet WARN PrintChromiumServlet:182 - Unable to print so retrying again in a second...
2024-01-23 09:14:21 com.cubewise.scheduler.pojo.ChromiumWebSocketEndpoint ERROR ChromiumWebSocketEndpoint:73 - WebSocket CLOSED

I do not get this error when exporting our smaller reports, and when I delete some columns from the report I do not get this error, so I assume it must be a volume/timeout problem. Any suggestions on settings to review to resolve this? Note that I do not experience this problem in our gamma environment which has the same report and which is on the same version of Apliqo.

Comments (6)

  1. Ada Trajer
    • changed status to open

    Hi Cindy, the issue is currently investigated. We will try to replicate this on our end and get back to you regarding the settings that might need an update.

  2. tomer ganz

    this has been fixed


    in addtion - the following settings needs to be updated in the settings.json file "printerPauseBeforePrint": 1000,

  3. Cindy reporter

    Hi Tomer, I’m still seeing this issue on the latest version and I have that parameter set to 4000

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