Ability to define a server location to print file in task scheduler

Issue #763 resolved
Sanketh Suresh created an issue

Ability to define a server location to print file in task scheduler

Currently Task Scheduler only prints to default /WEB-INF/print/

This will help leverage other storage locations within our server and not putting a lot of load on the installation folder.

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wiltshire
    • changed status to open

    Seems like a good idea. Could also be a shared network folder path provided the service running the apliqo server has permissions to write to the location.

  2. Ilia Shapiro

    there is a parameter 


    in default constant file you can change this in 

    custom constant file > ApliqoServer\webapps\SomeApp\apq-c3-custom\js\default.constant.js by adding following


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