Exporting to PDF results in a blank page at the end

Issue #773 resolved
Cindy created an issue

Exporting any of our reports to PDF results in an additional blank page at the end

Comments (4)

  1. Ada Trajer
    • changed status to open

    Hi Cindy, is this issue happening when using task scheduler to export the reports to pdf (merged ones) or in other cases also? Otherwise I was so far not able to replicate it when exporting dashboard or a view

  2. Cindy reporter

    Hi Ada,

    I’m seeing the issue both with Task Scheduler and just the regular export to PDF with the export button on a report. It’s possible this is a page break setting configuration issue - is that a configurable setting?



  3. Cindy reporter

    Per a suggestion from Stuart, I’ve added this to the bottom of the apq-c3-custom/css/custom-style.css file. 

    fin-plan-grid .handsontable table.htCore {

    page-break-after: auto !important;


    This has fixed the issue but I’m now seeing horizontal scrolls bars in the PDF export where I wouldn’t have expected them. Thoughts?

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