column colored boarder

Issue #780 resolved
Yaxin created an issue

Is it possible to have column colored boarder in reports? we have reports with stacked columns, for example in the screenshot, we stack measure * scenario * period together, for the rows coloring, we can use ibcs-class attributes with defined colors, and wondering if there is something similar for columns coloring. If not, is it possible to do color block instead, for example “Amount in Millions” block is filled with blue, “Amount ex FX in Millions” filled with red, etc.

Comments (6)

  1. Scott Wiltshire
    • changed status to open

    Hi Yaxin,

    You could already colour separately each block of "Amount in Millions", "Amount ex FX in Millions" and "YoY Change % ex FX" using normal conditional formatting. This will colour the table cells and the header. You don't need to refer to columns as individual stacked tuples, you can just specify the display name for one of the stacked dimensions and the format will apply to all columns sharing that member.

    If you wanted to format only the 3 blocks in the columns headers but not the cells in the body of the table this isn't doable with standard features. You would have to create custom CSS to do this.

  2. Yaxin reporter

    Hi Scott, I only want to format the 3 blocks in the column headers, what would be the custom CSS to use? also, the columns in each block gets dynamically controlled based on user setting. for example, Amount in Millions has Actuals (FY22, FY23), Op2 - 2023 (FY23), Op1- 2024 (FY24), RO-Current (FY24), it can become Amount in Millions displaying Actuals Actuals (FY22, FY23), Op2 - 2023 (FY23), Op1- 2024 (FY24), RO-Current (FY24 & FY25), if that’s the case, will that break the formatting with custom CSS?

  3. Ada Trajer

    Hi Yaxin, I have an example of the custom css table class that can be used to format column headers like this:

    If this would work in your case I can share the necessary code and explain how to use it. In this case even with the dynamic elements the formatting will still be applied.

  4. Yaxin reporter

    Hi Ada, that should work for us. one question: can we apply the format to headers we choose? using the example you have, only apply boarder to year (2016,2015,2014) and scenarios, Qtr ones don’t have boarders applied. Please share the codes and I’ll try it out in my end, thanks!

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