Picklist can not be localized

Issue #785 open
Jason Cao created an issue

The pick list need to be shown different language when the language change on UX. I have set up the localization settings. The display in other languages is fine. Only picklist does not take effect.

Comments (2)

  1. Scott Wiltshire
    • changed status to open

    Hi Jason, It isn’t clear what exactly you are expecting to work here.

    If the data entry has already happened and the picklist value is already stored in the cube then there is nothing that’s going to change the value which displays. However you might be able to display the picklist in a localized language but not how you have currently defined the picklist. Setting the picklist to use a dimension is always going to show the element principal name. If you use a subset AND the caption attribute is an alias AND the caption attribute is assigned to the subset then I think this may work (never tested this myself). Try this in UX, Arc and Workspace and let us know the results.

    If you want to display an alias in the picklist but store the principal name in the cube then this is possible using the store alias switch like below. SUBSET:DIMENSION:SUBSET<StoreAlias=F>

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