ODBC graphs - swapping row/columns for data source

Issue #803 on hold
Wei Wang created an issue

This could be a nice enhancement to help make the ODBC visualizations more flexible. Most SQL queries for Highcharts would return a vertical list of name - value pairs. When this is converted to a graph in Apliqo, Highchart handles the rows/columns in a fixed manner in converting them to the data series on the x and y axis. Often it would be useful to swap the x/y axis which was easy to do in TM1 views by swapping the dimensions used in rows and columns. For ODBC, there isn’t a simple way to do this swap so it would be helpful to have a persistent row/column transpose option, similar to the “Pivot Rows To Columns” button. That way, when we use the Highchart options, we can decide which data series are shown on rows vs columns in the ODBC-based graphs. Thanks!

Comments (1)

  1. Joana MFC Corte-Real

    Dear Wei, Thank you for the suggestion, we will have it in consideration and mark it as On Hold for our easier future reference.

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