ODBC - Parsing query with % character

Issue #805 resolved
Wei Wang created an issue

Wanted to report an ODBC parsing issue related to the special character “%”. When we have a query with this character, the query does not parse properly and I see an error in DevTools stating “unable to decode value” for the query field. % is used commonly in conjunction with LIKE so it would be great if the parsing logic can account for it. Thanks!

Comments (10)

  1. Scott Wiltshire
    • changed status to open

    Absolutely! Thanks for reporting. I can hardly think of a case where I wouldn't use LIKE and the % wildcard operator in a SQL query.

  2. Wei Wang reporter

    something like this for example doesn’t work:

    SELECT accounting_month 
    FROM table_name  
    WHERE accounting_month LIKE '2024-01-%' 
    limit 10;

    whereas this does

    SELECT accounting_month
    FROM table_name 
    WHERE accounting_month = '2024-01-01'
    limit 10;

  3. Ilia Shapiro

    please use the following

    SELECT accounting_month 
    FROM table_name  
    WHERE accounting_month LIKE '2024-01-' + CHAR(37) 
    limit 10;

    37 is the decimal ASCII code for a percent symbol

  4. Wei Wang reporter
    java.sql.SQLException: [Redshift][ODBC Driver][Server]42601:ERROR:  syntax error at or near "CHR"
     LINE 1, POSITION 50: ..._summary WHERE accounting_month LIKE '2024-01-'   CHR(37) li...

    Thanks for the suggestion Ilia! We are querying a RedShift table so CHR would be the equivalent of CHAR (which works in DataGrip). However, when I try either CHAR or CHR in Apliqo, I see the error above

  5. Ilia Shapiro

    Fix for now use ‘%25' to encode '%’ in the next release the query string will be encoded to automatically perform the encoding.

  6. Joana MFC Corte-Real

    Dear Wei, Thank you for your feedback. I will mark this as resolved. Please, do open another ticket if the issue reappears.

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