Update SUBNM Parameter on Selection

Issue #810 closed
Thanh Chau created an issue

With processes that are embedded on a page, if the parameter is set to SUBNM, it only refreshes when the page loads. If new elements are picked up by the MDX, it doesn’t update the selections when the drop down is clicked.

For example:

Process ABC is parameter “Param1” that has been setup as an SUBNM. While on the page, a new element fits the criteria of the MDX. This new element doesn’t show up in the dropdown for the parameter until the page refreshes.

Is it possible to have the dropdown reprocess the MDX on selection instead of page refresh?

Comments (5)

  1. Scott Wiltshire
    • changed status to open

    Can you please confirm the version. This should be working in 2023.10 and 2024.02. Previously the behaviour was as you described.

  2. Joana MFC Corte-Real

    Dear Thanh, can you please confirm the issue presists on the latest version 2024.02 FP1?

  3. Thanh Chau reporter

    I’ll test it when we upgrade. We can close this and I’ll reopen if the upgrade doesn’t resolve it.

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