Picklist does not get updated automatically in Wizard

Issue #812 on hold
Alexander Koeppe created an issue

Describe the bug
Picklist created per TI in Wizard step 1 does not get updated automatically in view in step 2.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Wizard step 1 with view, process to create subsets in a helper dimension'
  2. Click on step 2 with view on second cube, picklist for attribute does not display changes
  3. change filter value, choose other picklist then choose first picklist, update has been applied

Expected behavior
The picklist gets updated when navigating to the second step

Input TEST for attribute Invest Type, create subsets with TI “Update Picklists”

Move to step 2

Picklist in cube view for element Invest Type does not show the new picklist value

Choose another picklist, change a filter value or move to sub step 2 and then back => picklist gets updated

Additional context
The view is empty, a different view with values in sub step 2 is showing the updated picklist. If you move sub step 2 to first position and repeat the steps above, everything is working as expected, the picklist directly shows the updated values. But I cannot figure out what is the difference here, why does it work with one view and not with the other view.

Comments (2)

  1. Joana MFC Corte-Real
    • changed status to open

    Dear Alexander, thank you for bringing this to our attention, we will reproduce the issue and get back to you.

  2. Joana MFC Corte-Real

    Dear Alexander, Thank you again for your input. We were able to replicate the issue and a fix has been added to our backlog

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