Table Formulas - using setting service variables w/o DBRW

Issue #819 open
Wei Wang created an issue

It would be great if we could reference setting service variables in the in-cell formulas, even when they are not wrapped in the DBRW formulas. For example, on Apliqo_Demo a8.a1.v1, the first item evaluates properly but the second one returns an error.

  • =DBRW("UX_Demo","}ElementAttributes_Region",A1,"$<<UX_Demo.}ElementAttributes_Region.}ElementAttributes_Region>>")
  • ="$<<UX_Demo.}ElementAttributes_Region.}ElementAttributes_Region>>"

Also tried without using the double quotes and also with single quotes. I assume it has to do with the parsing logic of the formula. Having the settings service variable accessible even outside of DBRW would dramatically improve the flexibility in making custom report views. Thanks!

Comments (2)

  1. Scott Wiltshire
    • changed status to open

    +1 agree 100%. This isn't the first time that this issue has been raised. It would absolutely make sense to be able to embed variables within formulas in inserted roes & columns that aren't using DBRW.

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