Global Filter - searching across all descendants

Issue #820 on hold
Wei Wang created an issue

Wanted to suggest what would be a super helpful feature to add in the future and really benefit situations where we want to keep the initial elements shown in a global filter simpler. At the moment, in the global filter search, Apliqo only searches on the elements returns from the original MDX query + any subsequent expanding actions. For example, if the original global filter only returned one C-level element, the search would only be from a list of one. If that C-level element is expanded in the filterbar, the list will be that C-level element + its children.

A more powerful search variation would be ability to search on all descendants of the C-level elements in the filterbar, regardless of whether the descendants are returned in the original MDX query. This would be the best of both worlds since we often need to make filterbar show a long list of elements expanded out to ensure that users can do a quick search without going into the subset editor. Essentially, we would need Apliqo to run a “descendants / instr” MDX and return the results in the filterbar.

Understand that this could have performance impact on loading speed but perhaps there could be a toggle either (1) upon user search action or (2) in the cube settings for the filter to do this behavior. Curious if this enhancement is already somewhere in the Apliqo future features parking lot…

Comments (1)

  1. Joana MFC Corte-Real

    Dear Wei, Thank you for the suggestion, we will have it in consideration and mark it as On Hold for our future reference.

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