Combined column filters in grid widget resulting in MDX error

Issue #822 open
Alexander Koeppe created an issue

Describe the bug
Applying several filters on a table results in a MDX error.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Grid Widget with column filters and search field
  2. Use search field
  3. Selection > Keep + Leaves
  4. Filter by Top X on any column
  5. See error

Expected behavior
Filtered list is shown


If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional context

SELECT NON EMPTY TOPCOUNT({{{[FIN BSEG 2 Detail].[Customer by Country].[CN], TM1FILTERBYlevel({TM1DRILLDOWNMEMBER({[FIN BSEG 2 Detail].[Customer by Country].[CN]}, ALL, RECURSIVE)}, 0)}}}, 10, ([T Date].[FY QTD Rollups].[2024-04-17 QTD^2024-04-17 MTD])) ON ROWS, {{
[T Date].[FY QTD Rollups].[2024-04-17],
[T Date].[FY QTD Rollups].[2024-04-17 MTD],
[T Date].[FY QTD Rollups].[2024-04-17 QTD],
[T Date].[FY QTD Rollups].[2024-04-17 YTD]
}} ON COLUMNS FROM [OP Daily Book Bill Detail] WHERE ( [Time Analysis].[Time Analysis].[BASE],[OP IC Indicator].[OP IC Indicator].[ThP],[OP Daily Book Bill Detail Measure].[OP Daily Book Bill Detail Measure].[Sales],[FIN BSEG 4].[FIN BSEG 4].[Total FIN BSEG 4],[FIN BSEG 3 Detail].[FIN BSEG 3 Detail].[Total FIN BSEG 3 Detail],[FIN BSEG 2 Detail].[FIN BSEG 2 Detail].[Total FIN BSEG 2 Detail],[FIN Company].[FIN Company].[Total FIN Company],[Scale].[Scale].[BASE],[FIN Currency].[FIN Currency].[N-EUR],[FIN Version].[FIN Version].[ACT])

Just applying a Top X filter is working. It is the combination of filters which results in an error.

Comments (2)

  1. Joana MFC Corte-Real
    • changed status to open

    Dear Alexander, Thank you for bringing this to our attention, we will reproduce the issue and get back to you.

  2. Joana MFC Corte-Real

    Dear Alexander, Can you please confirm if the issue presists on the lastest version 2024.02 FP1?

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