Unformatted Excel export - error on table with adhoc formulas

Issue #832 resolved
Wei Wang created an issue

We noticed a bug in the “Excel (Unformatted)” export, namely that it does not work if there are any Apliqo adhoc formulas on the table. Please follow the steps below to replicate in Apliqo_Demo

  • go to a2.v2: Simple Planning template
  • insert a new column and put in formula “=A1” to autofill column
  • now try to do the “Excel (Unformatted)” export and no file will be generated
  • an error appears in the console

The other Excel export methods do not error out so perhaps it is something where the formula-conversion logic has not been applied to unformatted Excel export? Also tried setting “exportFormulasAsText” to true but it didn’t make a difference

Comments (4)

  1. Joana MFC Corte-Real
    • changed status to open

    Dear Wei, thank you for the feedbcak, we will reproduce the issue and get back to you

  2. Joana MFC Corte-Real

    Dear Wei, has the issue presisted with the update to the 2024.02 FP1?
    I was able to generate the file, however there is a noticeable bug that the inserted column does not appear. Will be added to our backlog.

  3. Joana MFC Corte-Real

    Dear Wei, thank you for the input. The issue has been fixed, will part of the next release - Version 2024 05.

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