Excel export (Filter Values) - number format does not export for adhoc columns

Issue #835 open
Wei Wang created an issue

We noticed this issue on both the latest v2024.02 FP1 and an earlier release from last year v2023.05 FP1. When we try to do a formatted Excel export (w/ filtered values), we lose any number format applied to adhoc formulas cells defined in Apliqo. Not sure if this was ever working on previous versions (or if its a feature that was never expanded to include adhoc formulas).

To replicate, use Apliqo_Demo → Simple Planning (a2.v2)

  • insert a column to the left of Jan
  • use "0.0" as the numberFormat and appliedNumberFormat under columnMap
  • add the following under columnFormat
"4": [
          "numberFormat": "0.0"
"5": [
          "numberFormat": "0.0"
  • export to Excel with Filter Values
  • in the Excel file, notice that the inserted column still formats with 2 decimal points but the Jan column formats as defined

Comments (1)

  1. Joana MFC Corte-Real
    • changed status to open

    Dear Wei, Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will replicate the issue and get back to you

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