Table column filters lost when widget is opened full screen

Issue #847 resolved
Thomas Carroll created an issue


Opening a widget full screen results in filters not being applied to the table anymore.

To replicate:

Open Executive Summary (a2.f2.v4) in demo model.

Toggle column filter and select 74…. from budget to filter out the “World” row

Press “Open Widget Fullscreen” to open in full screen popup

Despite the “Table Filters… Clear All Filters” heading appearing, nothing is filtered out and the full table appears



Comments (3)

  1. Joana MFC Corte-Real
    • changed status to open

    Dear Thomas, Thank you for your input. We were able to replicate the issue and it has been added to our backlog.

  2. Joana MFC Corte-Real

    Dear Thomas, the issue is changed to enhancement as the functionality was built based on doing the analysis within th efull screen. However, this will be considered for future releases.

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