Allow custom calculations in rollups

Issue #849 open
Radu Cantor created an issue

In Arc there is an option to create custom rollups which allows the user to create more complex calculations as part of the rollup. Can we have this option in Apliqo UX as well?

Also the standard functions list is longer in Arc compared to Apliqo UX, so it would be good to support the same (or even more) functions compared to Arc.

Comments (3)

  1. Joana MFC Corte-Real
    • changed status to open

    Dear Radu, Thank you for submitting this enhancement proposal, we will be reviewing it during our next roadmap discussion.

  2. Scott Wiltshire

    Hi Radu,

    The only options that are missing are median and standard deviation. We made a conscious decision to not include these due to absence of relevant use case. (You as a user have selected 10 elements on the rows and you want to see the sum, maybe an average, maybe the min or max, but the median or standard deviation?) The function support in MDX is there and these options could be exposed, but we decided a smaller set of relevant functions was better than longer list of options people will never choose.

    Subtract and Variance should only be available in Arc when only 2 elements are selected. In general these shouldn’t be visible, that they are is actually a bug in Arc. As long as 2 elements are selected then Subtract seems to work well. Variance didn’t give me any sensible output no matter what I tried so I’m not quite sure what it is supposed to be doing.

    Subtract is an option we could consider. A custom, custom calculation where the user writes their own MDX expression is something that we would not want to offer the UX user, although it could potentially offer some value to the report developer to save to options in some very specific use cases (which TBH could probably already be dealt with using full custom MDX.)

    What is nice about adding a custom rollup with Arc is the option to just insert the calculated member below the selection versus replacing the current selection. In UX we always replace the current selection. This is probably what would make the most sense as an enhancement.

  3. Radu Cantor reporter

    Hi Scott,

    I think custom simple calculation will bring quite some value to the users.

    Using a full MDX is complicated and I don’t think it will work when dealing with multiple tables or grid widgets put together. Even as a developer I would want to avoid using a full MDX when a much simpler option is available.

    My current use case is: In the APQ Universal View I’m configuring 2 views to retrieve values for the same accounts on the rows and the same years on the columns. I want to do the delta between View 1 and View 2 without actually creating an element in the dimension or dealing with the messy column insert functionality on the front end. So, subtraction would be a good fit for this.

    But I don’t see a real downside of just allowing users to create their own calculated members with whatever calculations they want.

    The customer was really impressed by this functionality which doesn’t exist in Pafe, so why not give them the full flexibility?

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