Installer doesn't update default.constant.js file

Issue #850 resolved
Radu Cantor created an issue

When updating Apliqo UX, sometimes there are new configuration options added to the default.constant.js file.

However, these are not automatically inserted to the existing file when updating an application, resulting in issues and making the developers manually merge the old and new file. Also, unless you install the Demo mode you won’t even know about the new configuration options.

Comments (1)

  1. Scott Wiltshire

    Hi @Radu Cantor

    Here I have to give a typical "IT answer" much like "Have you tried rebooting your PC?"

    This is why we have release notes. Product Management and Customer Success aren't writing these for fun, we do expect people to read them and for people doing an upgrade to follow the documented process. Take the latest 2024.01 feature release, the new "spreading items" section is default.constant.js is documented in the New Control Parameters section and then again in the Upgrade Instructions with a link to copy the exact required text in json format to paste directly into the default constant file. We have tried our best to make it as easy as possible.

    As the default.constant.js file can contain local customizations we can't simply overwrite it on each upgrade (well we could but this would mean customers woudl need to keep a backup and then after the upgrade restore all non-default settings themselves via copy/paste. A solution which I think you would agree is actually worse than the one of needing to paste in any new parameters.)

    Unfortunately, the installer technology we are using doesn't allow for inserting text into a existing file. Only all or nothing replacement of the file.

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