Media File Viewer pdf only utilises fraction of card height

Issue #860 open
Thomas Carroll created an issue


The media file viewer shows a pdf in a fraction of the available card height.

When the “open widget fullscreen” button is pressed, it uses the full height.

To replicate:

Upload a pdf to the mediafolder folder in the demo model.

In the UX Samples database, change the path of the image attribute of the USA element in the region dimension to reference the uploaded pdf.

Open a16.f5.v2 (UX Samples/Other widgets/File / Media Upload) in the demo model and toggle between USA and Brazil. The Brazil image fills the whole card height, the USA pdf utilises only a small fraction at the top.



Comments (3)

  1. Joana MFC Corte-Real
    • changed status to open

    Dear Thomas, Thank you for the input. We will replicate the issue and get back to you.

  2. Joana MFC Corte-Real

    Dear Thomas, we were able to replicate the bug and a fix has been added to our backlog.

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