Multi-Selection in cell

Issue #861 open
Yaxin created an issue

Is it possible to do multi-selection in a cell when user populate data through apliqo? I know we can do that in a process parameter, and wondering if there is a way to do that in a cell

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wiltshire
    • changed status to open

    Hi Yaxin,

    I don't know what you are referring to. What do you mean "multi-selection in a cell"? A picture might be helpful.

  2. Yaxin reporter

    HI Scott, In a process (attached), we can do subnm-multi option for parameter allowing users to pick multiple selections, I’m wondering if I can do the same for a cell. Assuming we provide user a upload template with a field Year, and we want to allow user to have ability to pick up multiple years, for the cell we can define using a similar option using a year subset, and user can pick FY21, FY22 etc

  3. Scott Wiltshire

    If a process parameter is configured as subnm-multi then what is passed as the value to the TI process is a delimited string of the selected values (with comma as the default delimiter). The TI process needs to be coded to know how to interpret the delimited string of element names.

    So I guess what you are asking for is a custom picklist which would support multi-selection and store the result in a cell as a delimited list?

    Apliqo UX already supports custom picklists which can be defined in the advanced options for a view or grid widget, which behave the same as TM1 picklist except that

    • the logic is in the report not TM1 instance
    • you can use MDX to generate the list of elements
    • you can use Apliqo setting service variables (e.g. in the MDX)
    • you have the option of not enforcing the picklist validation (that is allow selection from the list but also allow a value to be entered that isn’t in the list)

    But no, there is no ability to select multiple options from the picklist.

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