Apliqo Usage Monitoring is Different From Pulse

Issue #887 open
Ryan Clapp created an issue

In our production environment we have Apliqo and Pulse enabled. When we look at the user statistics in Apliqo it shows that we have 95 Unique Users. However, when we look at the data in pulse we see 285 unique users. This analysis accounts for removing duplicates, context differences (Arc vs Ux), and date ranges. Why would these numbers be so different?

Comments (9)

  1. Scott Wiltshire
    • changed status to open

    Hi Ryan, I would guess that the users are logging in to UX with CAM authentication? We know that we have an issue where the login event which we are monitoring to populate the user login statistics just doesn't get fired where the user has an existing valid CAM passport and hence we don't capture the login in those cases. If you have the user activity logging enabled in the default constants then that should be capturing all users which I would then expect to agree with Pulse. If your content store version is up to date I believe we have an option to retrospectively populate the user logins from the user activity log to address this issue.

  2. Ryan Clapp reporter

    That is correct, users are using CAM. How would we enable the activity logging, is that different from 'UX_App_Log': true?

  3. Scott Wiltshire

    Yes “UX_App_Log”=true is the setting for the activity log. If this is activated than the cube “}APQ UX App Log“ will get populated and you can use the TI process “}APQ.UX.Cub.ConnectionLog.Update.FromAppLog“ to backfill the “}APQ UX Connection Log“ cube from the “}APQ UX App Log“ cube. You could then just schedule this process on a regular basis.

    Not sure since when we had this process but I think either 2023.10 FP1 or FP2.

  4. Ryan Clapp reporter

    We are running the latest version, but there remains a very large difference in user count and user names. It seems strange that it would be a passport issue, as I would assume each user should show up once. Unless passports acquired in PAfE carry over.

  5. Sanketh Suresh

    Hi Scott, Can you please help a call with our team for 15 mins and we can walk you through the steps and hows it captured. So on Pulse we have a different value, Pulse Explorer - Kibana shows another value and Apliqo as Ryan mentioned has a totally different value. So we really want to nail down which one is the right usage metric. My colleague Juned will be sharing some screenshots on this soon.

  6. Ryan Clapp reporter

    I have attached a Kibana dashboard for pulse that also shows disagreement internally in pulse

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