Add Feature to Inject TM1IGNORE_BADTUPLES into Generated MDX statements

Issue #890 open
Ryan Clapp created an issue

Currently the only way to use TM1IGNORE_BADTUPLES is to leverage the full MDX functionality. I would like Apliqo to expose a toggle to inject the keyword into generate queries.

Comments (2)

  1. Scott Wiltshire
    • changed status to open

    +1 I agree this should be done by default on all MDX queries. (Maybe with the one exception of joining subviews or widgets on different hierarchies as in that case if you have a member in the master which doesn't exist in one of the dependent slices then you want the query to fail as that's a lesser evil than having row header and data misalignment.) However, this would need to be TM1 version aware and only when the DB is v11 as for v12 the function is depreciated (as v12 does this implicitly) and would cause a compile error in the MDX.

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