bintray not synched

Issue #160 resolved
Regent L'Archeveque created an issue
  1. The content of and do not reflect the versions defined in each bintray packages.
  2. compositeContent.xml and compositeArtifacts.xml embeds children that were removed. How can we update these two files (automatically and manually).

Comments (5)

  1. Regent L'Archeveque reporter

    Here are the curl commands to use to publish and delete

    curl -TcompositeArtifacts.xml -uapogy:TOKEN -XPUT;publish=1
    curl -uapogy:TOKEN -XDELETE
  2. Regent L'Archeveque reporter

    Just need to delete artifacts.jar and content.jar to purge completely a version under bintray.

  3. Regent L'Archeveque reporter

    To delete a version under bintray:

    1. Go in bintray under the version, edit, click on delete version. This deletes all the plugins and features.
    2. Run curl to delete artifacts.jar and content.jar
    3. Update compositeContent.xml and compositeArtifacts.xml
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