Investigate SWT_AWT Bridge issue with GTK

Issue #39 resolved
Regent L'Archeveque created an issue

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Comments (2)

  1. Ryan Schimpel

    After intensive investigation, it appears that the problems lies in the interaction between the AWT GLCanvas provided by JOGL and the SWT_AWT bridge.

    This was verified first by testing WorldWindGLCanvas with just an AWT JFrame and seeing that it behaved properly. After verifying that the bad behaviour happened when the SWT_AWT bridge was added, it became clear that it wasn't really an issue with Symphony or our view capabilities. I then embedded this bridge into a view like we have in Symphony to verify this hypothesis.

    I then checked to see if we have the same behaviour using just a GLCanvas, that is using NO WorldWind code at all and yes, the same problem appeared; as such, it became clear that this was a bug with JOGL and how it handled the appropriate requests from its (SWT) parent.

    In order to resolve this, I further investigated WorldWind and discovered that it also offered a JPanel top level version (WorldWindGLJPanel) as an alternative to the GLCanvas one. Using this resolved the issue; it no longer has any strange behaviour when pinning, resizing, moving monitors, etc.

    These changes have been committed to Git.

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