Revise Satellite Constellation Meta-Models & Example

Issue #45 new
Regent L'Archeveque created an issue

Revise Satellite Constellation Meta-Models & Example

Comments (5)

  1. Regent L'Archeveque reporter

    org.eclipse.symphony.core.environment.GeographicCoordinates must be moved under "".

  2. Regent L'Archeveque reporter

    Next steps: Import Requests Wizard with URL, Export Plan Wizard with URL, Dashboard UI, Command Sub-classes, Request Sub-classes, Planner

  3. Regent L'Archeveque reporter

    Pierre, could you implement ca.gc.asc_csa.apogy.examples.satellite.impl.DefaultConstellationPlannerImpl.isValid(VisibilityPass pass) in branch feature-satellite_example_development.

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