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Artificial Neural Networks / People


Prominent people working in Deep Neural Networks.

  1. Brian Catanzaro of Baidu
  2. Rajat Monga of Google Research
  3. Ray Kurzweil - Now with Google
  4. Juergen Schmidhuber
  5. Jim Mutch - CNS Implementer
  6. Yann LeCun - Energy based models, Hierarchical features & scene labeling
  7. Dileep George Blog - Old - co-founder of Vicarious
  8. Jeff Hawkins - Author of 'On Intelligence' book & founder of Numenta
  9. Geoffrey E. Hinton - Long-time researcher, who is with Google now
  10. Anders Lansner - Computational biologist
  11. Yoav Freund
  12. Sinno Jialin Pan
  13. Terry Sejnowski
  14. David_Rumelhart
  15. Christopher M. Bishop
  16. Andrew Ng
  17. Zoubin Ghahramani
  18. David Marr - Neuroscientist
  19. Michael I. Jordan
  20. Jeffrey Dean
  21. Bruno Olshausen
  22. Applied topology and Dante: an interview with Robert Ghrist
