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Artificial Neural Networks / Robotics


Books: Robotics, Raspberry Pi, Electronics & Sensors

  1. Robotics: Modelling, Planning & Control, Springer 2009
    Not sure if it worth reading this, since old.
  2. Make: Getting started with Sensors: Measure the World with Electronics, Arduino & RPi, Aug 2014
  3. Learn Electronics with Raspberry Pi, Apress, Jul 2016
    Many pages are filled with the images of IDE.
  4. Motors for Makers: Guide to Steppers, Servos, 1st Ed, 2016
    Can be downloaded from here, but needs patience !!
    Book website, has design on quadcopter.
  5. Make: Sensors, July 2014
  6. Make: Electronics, 2nd Ed, Jan 2015
  7. Make: More Electronics, July 2014

Raspberry Pi Modules & Expansion Boards

  1. Adafruit DC & Stepper motor HAT for RPi
    The kit costs USD 22.50 without the motors. Tried adding & check-put, but the shipping cost is USD 36.
    Hence abandoned the basket !!
  2. Adafruit Pan/Tilt Kit with micro servos - ADA1967
    Costs around INR 3600, not sure if this is worth it !!
  3. Sparkfun MEMS microphone breakout, costs USD 10.
  4. Sparkfun Magician Chassis Wheel encoder, costs USD 10
    Not available now (13/Sep).
  5. Raspberry Pi Camera Modules
    Lists 10 different modules of different resolutions & prices.
  6. OV7670 Camera with FIFO - available for INR.1300

How-To Articles

  1. Adafruit article on PIR motion sensor
  2. How do I choose a battery?
  3. Using OV7670-FIFO Camera module with MSP430
  4. Hacking the OC7670 Camera module (SCCB Cheatsheet)
  5. Mobile phone camera interfaces
  6. How to process inputs from multiple cameras in RasPi with OpenCV ?
  7. How to find depth from single image?
  8. Cheapest USB Camers for Raspberry Pi
  9. Building an Arduino Robot: Part 1, Hardware Components
    This uses the Magician Cassis which is not available currently.
  10. CHeap Bluetooth serial port for RasPi

Robotics Kits

  1. Avishkaarbox's Robotronics Lite, has its own board
    Costs around 3500.
  2. PiGo Lite Kit, Raspberry Pi compatible
    Costs around UK Pound 36.

References from ETH AMR Course

This is available in EdX

  1. Kinematic modeling of WMRs
    It is quite old, 1986. Instead read the chapters on WMRs in the Handbook of Robotics.
  2. Vector algebraic formulation of WMRs
    Aug 2010.
  3. Book: Multiple view geometry
    By Hartley and Zisserman, 2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2004
  4. Book: An invitation to 3D vision
    By Ma, Soatto, Kosecka, Sastry, Springer, 2004
  5. Book: Computer Vision, by Szeliski
    Springer, 2010
  6. Harris Corner Detector: Chris Harris and Mike Stephens.
    A combined corner and edge detector
    Alvey vision conference, Vol. 15, 1988.
  7. SIFT features: David G. Lowe. "Distinctive image features from scale-invariant keypoints.
    "International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV) 60.2(2004): 91-110. [paper][demo code]
  8. FAST corner detector: Edward Rosten, Reid Porter, and Tom Drummond.
    Faster and better: A machine learning approach to corner detection
    Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), IEEE Transactions on 32.1 (2010): 105-119.
  9. BRIEF descriptor: Michael Calonder, Vincent Lepetit, Christoph Strecha, Pascal Fua.
    Brief: Binary robust independent elementary features
    Computer Vision–ECCV 2010. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.
  10. BRISK features: Stefan Leutenegger, Margarita Chli, and Roland Yves Siegwart.
    BRISK: Binary robust invariant scalable keypoints
    Computer Vision (ICCV), 2011 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2011.
  11. Josef Sivic and Andrew Zisserman.
    "Video Google: A text retrieval approach to object matching in videos".
    ICCV 2003. [paper]
  12. Relevant papers of FABMAP and software:
    Mark Cummins and Paul Newman [papers & software]
  13. Henrik Stewénius, Steinar H. Gunderson and Julien Pilet.
    "Size matters: Exhaustive geometric verification for image retrieval".
    ECCV 2012 [paper]
  14. Rahul Raguram, Jan-Michael Frahm and Marc Pollefeys. "A comparative analysis of RANSAC techniques leading to adaptive real-time random sample consensus".
    ECCV 2008. [paper]

Chapters in Handbook of Robotics Book

  1. Springer link for the Book
  2. Front matter & ToC

Part A:

  1. Ch.01: Kinematics
  2. Ch.02: Dynamics (Roy Featherstone, David Orin)
  3. Ch.03: Mechanisms and Actuation (Victor Scheinman, Michael McCarthy)
  4. Ch.04: Sensing and Estimation (Henrik Christensen, Gregory Hager)
  5. Ch.05: Motion Planning (Lydia Kavraki, Steve LaValle)
  6. Ch.06: Motion Control (Wankyun Chung, Li-Chen Fu, Su-Hau Hsu)
  7. Ch.07: Force Control (Luigi Villani, Joris De Schutter)
  8. Ch.08: Robotic Systems Architectures and Programming (David Kortenkamp, Reid Simmons)
  9. Ch.09: AI Reasoning Methods for Robotics (Joachim Hertzberg, Raja Chatila)

Part B: Robot Structures

  1. Ch.13: Robots with FLexible Elements
  2. Ch.14: Model Identification
  3. Ch.17: Wheeled Robots

Part C:

Part D: Manipulation and Interfaces: Editor: Makoto Kaneko

  1. Ch.26. Motion for Manipulation Tasks (Oliver Brock, James Kuffner, Jing Xiao)
  2. Ch.27. Modelling and Manipulation (Imin Kao, Kevin Lynch, Joel Burdick)
  3. [Ch.28: Grasping (Jeff Trinkle, Domenico Prattichizzo)] (
  4. Ch.29. Cooperative Manipulators (Fabrizio Caccavale, Masaru Uchiyama)
  5. Ch.30. Haptics (Blake Hannaford, Allison Okamura)
  6. Ch.31. Telerobotics (Günter Niemeyer, Carsten Preusche, Gerd Hirzinger)
  7. Ch.32. Networked Teleoperation (Dezhen Song, Kenneth Goldberg, Nak Young Chong)
  8. Ch.33. Exoskeletons for Human Performance Augmentation (Hami Kazerooni)

Part E: Mobile & Distributed Robotics

  1. Ch. 34: Motion Control of WMRs
  2. Ch. 36: World Modeling
    Springer Multimedia Videos
  3. Ch. 37: Simultaneous Localization & Mapping
  4. Ch. 40: Multiple Mobile Robots Systems

h2. Recent References

  1. Past, Present & Future of SLAM
  2. Active manipulation for perception
  3. Revised Force Control Using a Compliant Sensor with a Position Controlled Robot

h2. Other References

  1. Robotics & Automation Handbook, CRCPress, 2005
  2. Handbook of discrete & computational geometry, 2nd Ed, CRCPress This has: * Chapter 47. Algorithmic motion planning * "Chapter 48. Robotics" * Full book PDF
