Accumulated feedback pre-release phase

Issue #1 closed
Andreas Purde repo owner created an issue

We ant to collect all kinds of feedback in the pre-Marketplace-release here. We are more than happy to get information like:

  • Did the plug-in help you?
  • Was the delay of the search acceptable?
  • etc.

Comments (8)

  1. David Simpson

    Hi @apurde, thanks for this, it is really interesting. I've had a quick look at the code, but still come asking questions ;)

    Does this do anything for Lucene stop words in exact matches?

    For example, when searching for the phrase "drum and bass", Confluence's default behaviour is to see that the stop word and is present, so instead of searching for the correct exact match -- "drum and bass", it will search for "drum bass" removing the stop word.

    I'm guessing that your plugin doesn't override this behaviour, but just wanted to check.

  2. Andreas Purde reporter

    Dear David,

    thank you for your post. You are right. However, according to my experience Confluence would search for all content which contains drum or bass. The plug-in then only boosts the subset in which the term drum and bass appears - as long as you put it in quotes.


  3. Andreas Purde reporter

    I have to correct myself: the plug-in does NOT solve this part of the problem.

    "drum and bass" never shows up as search result.

    You are right, David.

  4. Andreas Purde reporter

    What could be done of course; introduce single quotes: they are ignored by Confluence but could be used by me to boost exact phrases including stop words.

  5. Andreas Purde reporter

    I uploaded a new version 0.7.0 which overcomes the stop word problem. However you have to set your exact phrase in single quotes (not double quotes):

    'drum and bass'
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