Allow macros inside cites

Issue #8 closed
Andreas Purde repo owner created an issue

As a user I want to include other macros (like the code macro) in a cite. This is currently not possible.

Comments (11)

  1. Rory Apperson

    I notice also that I can't have a simple cite inside another cite; this results in "ERROR: unable to create cite". I'd like to refer to one citation from another one.

  2. Andreas Purde reporter

    Dear Rory,

    we rolled a version which allows other macros as part of a cite.

    Nested cites work however you will notice additional paragraphs which are added by Confluence. As nested cites make sense in your "footnote-use-case" but not in the "citation-use-case" for which Simple Cite is build we will probably not provide a fix for this.

    Kind regards


  3. Rory Apperson

    Thanks Andreas! How do I get the new version? I don't see an "update" button or anything in our apps manager within confluence.

  4. Andreas Purde reporter

    Dear Rory,

    although we indicated earlier that it is not within our scope we fixed this particular case for you.

    Kind regards


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