Simple cite for current Confluence

Issue #12 closed
Former user created an issue

Dear Mr Purde,

First of all thank you for providing the simple cite add-on for confluence.

However, this add-on cannot be installed in the current confluence on-demand version, Confluence 5.9.1. The search in 'Find new add-ons' does not show any results for 'simple cite' or 'cite'. I found in the version history that simple cite is only available for Confluence Server 5.5.6 - 5.8.15.

Could you please enable simple cite for the current confluence? Or is the a local problem of my confluence version?

Thank you!

Best wishes

Comments (2)

  1. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Dear On-demand user,

    thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately Simple Cite is not available for on demand versions of Confluence. Currently it is not on my agenda to change this - however when I find time I'll give it try.

    Kind regards,


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