Simple-Cite support for Cloud Confluence

Issue #14 closed
Former user created an issue


have you looked at supporting cloud version of confluence at all?

What are your thoughts on this?

Best Wishes hugh

Comments (11)

  1. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Dear all,

    thank you for voting for cloud support.

    Could you please indicate whether the following functions of the server version are essential for you:

    1) BibTeX support

    2) Space Cite Summary - shows all cites in the space

    Background: dropping those two functions will definitly speed up the process.

    Kind regards,


  2. Andreas Zolliker

    Having all cites from a startig page and it's subtree is essential when wanting to export a printversion of the documented work. I think that is similar to "Space Cite Summary", no?

  3. Raphael Schröder

    Hi Andreas

    The BibTex Support would be realy nice, but can be worked around. For me, a Space Cite Summery with references is the most essential part.

    Kind regards, Raphael

  4. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Dear Raphael, Andreas,

    I have started porting Simple Cite to Cloud. As this is not my profession I don't know how it takes to release a first version.

    Could you please do me a favor: I think I have a "proof-of-concept" version ready within two weeks. I need this version to evaluate whether the speed is acceptable. Background: I have to contact the Confluence instance at each page load (in case the cache is empty) which contains cites to get the page content which causes a delay. I need you to decide whether this delay is acceptable.

    Kind regards, Andreas

  5. Raphael Schröder

    Hi Andreas

    Sounds great! Sure, I can have a look at it as soon as you have it ready. Just let me know.

    Regards, Raphael

  6. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Dear Raphael,

    you can have a first look on:

    In case you want to try the very basic functionality (Single cite, Short cite and Cite Summary) you can install the add-on using: Of course this is only possible when your instance has the development mode enabled.

    Kind regards,


  7. Andreas Purde repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Dear all,

    I finished a first version of Simple Cite for Confluence Cloud. Currently I'm waiting for the release by Atlassian.

    Remark this first version does not yet support BibTeX.

    Kind regards,


  8. Andreas Zolliker

    That is great news Andreas. I am looking forward to the first release and will immediately install it as soon as available.

    Best Regards Andy

  9. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Short update: currently it takes forever to get a plugin properly released by Atlassian. Sorry for the delay.

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