Unexpected character error in Space cite summary

Issue #16 closed
Former user created an issue

The Space cite summary macro returns just the following line:

Error: [com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxLazyException] Unexpected character ' ' (code 32) (missing name?) at [row,col {unknown-source}]: [1,1325]

The macro worked quite well for a while, but suddenly it returned the error. Is there a way to identify somehow the page with the cite causing this issue?

Comments (10)

  1. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Dear Manfred,

    I'm sorry to hear that you are seeing this error. Are you using BibTeX cites? I assume it is related to a BibTeX entry which is not handled corrently.

    I suggest the following steps in case you are using BibTeX:

    • send me the affected BibTeX file so that I can forward it to the people responsible for the citation processor
    • in case you identified the cite going wrong (it should throw an error in the cite summary as well) try to change the CSL to e.g. ieee

    In addition I will move forward with changing the plugin such that it does not terminate rendering when it comes to an exception.

    Kind regards


  2. Manfred Beckmann

    Dear Andreas,

    no, we are using the "Single cite" macro in various pages within a certain Confluence space. Changing the CSL doesn't help, already the preview pane throws the error message.

    Strange thing is, that all the cite summaries on the single pages are without error message...

    Any further help is appreciated.

    Kind regards, Manfred

  3. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Dear Manfred,

    thank you for the fast answer. So you are NOT using BibTeX. Could you please tell me the version of Confluence and Simple Cite you are using.

    Thank you


  4. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Dear Manfred,

    I identified potential reasons for this error in combination with certain BibTeX files - however I did not identify anything outside BibTeX. Therefore I need your help:

    1. Download version 1.4.0 from the downloads section.
    2. Install it.
    3. Add a DEBUG log level for de.edrup.confluence.plugins.SpaceCiteSummary
    4. Reload the page which contains the Space Cite Summary
    5. Prior to the exceptions you should see a log entry which looks like: 2017-06-28 15:54:17,067 DEBUG [http-nio-8090-exec-10 [edrup.confluence.plugins.SpaceCiteSummary] execute <table><tbody>...
    6. Send me the part from <table> to </table> or the complete entry

    Sorry that I have to involve you that much.

    Kind regards


  5. Manfred Beckmann

    Is there an alterantive way of providing you with the result of the debug info, so that the content isn't publicly available? The pages are in the scope of a project for a customer, so I don't want to expose the details here.

  6. Andreas Purde repo owner

    It turned out that the Space Cite Summary is not able to deal with page titles including some special characters (in this case "&"). This is fixed in version 1.4.1.

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