Allows for space wide references

Issue #19 closed
Former user created an issue

I would like to define all references on one page (to facilitate their management) and then use the "cite short" macro on other pages of the same space. Each page should also have a summary listing all references used on the corresponding page. Do you think your plugin can be extended accordingly (with limited efforts)?

Comments (11)

  1. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Hello again,

    space wide references would be fine - I totally agree.

    If I understand you right you want to import a cite from another page. Could you please explain what you mean with " should also have a summary listing all references used on the corresponding page".

    Your suggestions describes one way. Another one would be to allow publishing cites anywhere in the space and providing a list of published cites in the cite short macro.

    Kind regards


  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Andreas,

    Your proposal sounds also correct. This is our use case: We would like to manage all/most cites on one central page. Our cites refer to QM documents. Their bodies are hyperlinks to the corresponding PDF files. These PDFs are frequently updated and the corresponding cite macros should always point to the latest versions of the PDF files. Currently we would have to update the hyperlinks on multiple pages that references the updated document, which is quite some work and error prone. With the adaptation we just have to update one macro for each update.

    Regarding the summary: Lets say we have 25 QM documents/cites on a central page defined. Our Confluence pages usually cite only a subset of these documents. On each confluence page, I would like to have a summary showing which QM dcouments are referenced by this page. These documents belong to the product documentation of medical devices so there are some formal requirements that have to fullfilled, e.g. having a list of references.

    I looked briefly at your code. Would it be possible to store the information defining references as a property in the SpaceDescription object?

  3. Thorsten Twellmann

    Another thought related to your suggestion: I guess you think about an approach like in the SpaceSummary macro. Wouldn't that be too slow if you have to scan all pages of a space each time you open a page? Cheers Thorsten

  4. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Dear Thorsten,

    I have in mind to store all published cites as a plugin property. Searching for them would be time consuming, yes.

    Kind regards Andreas

  5. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Dear Thorsten,

    I want to give you a short update on this request. I'll implement an additional macro "Short Cite imported" or similar which additionally asks for a page where the cite is defined. This will be included in the next release.

    Kind regards


  6. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Dear Thorsten,

    would you mind validating version 1.5.0 regarding your request. The new macro "Single cite import" allows to use a cite defined on another page. It is not yet available on the Marketplace but form the download section.

    Thank you


  7. Thorsten Twellmann

    Dear Andreas, I have made a couple of free tests. The functionality pretty much matches our requirements! Thanks for your efforts Thorsten

  8. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Dear Thorsten,

    thank you very much for the feedback and support. I released version 1.5.0 on the Marketplace.

    Kind regards


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