Macro preview shows incorrect cite number

Issue #21 closed
alana fernando created an issue

Steps to recreate 1. Add single cite macros 2. Define unique ID and add cite inside side body 3. Execute step 1 to 2 one more time 4. Refresh macro preview window

Expected results Macro preview should show ‘[2]’ Actual results Macro preview shows ‘[1]’

Environment details Confluence 6.2.3 Simple Cite v1.5.0 (latest version) Chrome 58.0.3029.110 (64-bit) Fire fox 53.0.2 (64 –bit) IE 11.0.9600.18665

I found above bug when i investigate the plugin for live installment. will you please correct me if i understood something wrong. or is it a known issue?

anyway I found simple cite as a very useful plugin

Comments (3)

  1. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Dear Alana,

    thank you for this report and the positive feedback.

    What you are seeing is the expected behavior. Simple Cite has to get the content of a page to determine the number of the cite. Confluence however only provides the last saved version of the page and not the floating content while editing.

    I hope that helps to understand the behavior.

    Kind regards


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