Bibtex citation formating

Issue #9 closed
K created an issue

The new Bibtex citation handling is a great addition. Thanks.

I think that the formatting of the citations could be improved: 1) Currently only plain text output, not rich text. I guess this may not be easy to do as I think you would need to use the HTML output format type and parse it.

2) {} and other special characters are not processed (see example bib entry below). I thought initially this was also due to your use of the text output format, but the command line citeproc-java does process them correctly with text output. Maybe they are being escaped before being passed?

Example bib entry: @article{BMM94, author = "Jo{\"e}l Biran{\c c}on and Philippe Maisonobe and Michel Merle", title = "Localisation de syst`emes diff\'erentiels, stratifications de {W}hitney et condition de {T}hom", journal = "Invent. Math.", volume = 117, year = 1994, pages = "531--550"}

Comments (12)

  1. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Dear K P,

    currently I do not plan to support html output in the very next future as this requires complex parsing as you already indicated.

    Regarding your problem No. 2 I was able to reproduce that. Simple cite generates: J. Birancon, P. Maisonobe, and M. Merle, “Localisation de syst‘emes différentiels, stratifications de Whitney et condition de Thom,"... what is exactly the same as the output of citeproc-java using the batch-file. What exactly was your problem?

    Kind regards, Andreas

  2. K reporter

    I understand re. html output. Not essential I think.

    For 2 - in Confluence I get the following output using simple-cite: J. Birancon, P. Maisonobe, and M. Merle, “Localisation de syst`emes diff’erentiels, stratifications de {W}hitney et condition de {T}hom,” Invent. Math., vol. 117, pp. 531–550, 1994. In citeproc-java (on Mac) I get J. Birancon, P. Maisonobe, and M. Merle, “Localisation de systèmes différentiels, stratifications de Whitney et condition de Thom,” Invent. Math., vol. 117, pp. 531–550, 1994.



  3. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Dear Kieran,

    what is your Confluence version, platform and browser? I do not get any brackets around T and W. Interesting...

    Thank you, Andreas

  4. Andreas Purde repo owner

    I was not able to try Linux but Mac and Windows all produced the same correct output using the cite-proc script and in Confluence. I attached an Issue09.bib what produces a correct output (it contains the major parts of your problem but not exactly your cite). Would you mind trying this one or providing your bib file?

    Thank you,


  5. K reporter

    Here is a .bib file with 3 versions of the same citation. Issue09 is the same as yours. BMM94 is the original from me (from cite-proc example .bib file). BMM94_Windows is the same as BMM94 but with Windows line endings when I pasted it. Also attached the screenshot of the output. You can see that Issue09 works (there is a missing \ which is why syst`emes is not quite right). BMM_94 works, but BMM has the extra characters. Maybe this can help you track down the problem.

    Thanks, Kieran

  6. Andreas Purde repo owner

    In case you remove the line feed and extra spaces in the titles all cites are rendered correctly. Unfortunately this seems to be a problem of citeproc-java and I have to forward this to those people.

    Sorry, Andreas

  7. Andreas Purde repo owner

    As already indicated this issue is not related the Simple cite code but to citeproc-java or any sub component of it. A raised an issue there.

  8. Andreas Purde repo owner

    This issue has been closed in the latest version of citeproc-java which is included in the 1.3.5 release.

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