Enable creating questions and providing answers by email

Issue #23 new
Milos Tomic created an issue

Hi Andreas,

I have one idea that might not be feasible or is very demanding. As the majority of users in my company are on the field and opening a browser to read the question and write an answer would sometimes discourage them to engage. Confluence is only accessible through VPN connection when they are on the field. For them, it would be useful if they can post a question or at least provide an answer by sending an email. I know that dealing with incoming emails in Confluence is not an easy, if not impossible, task, but it would be a great feature.

BR, Miloš

Comments (3)

  1. Milos Tomic reporter

    Hi Andreas,

    Thanks for the fast reply. I was checking this plugin and I'll do a trial. Anyway, there were no recent updates to this plugin so I'm not confident it will be supported in the future. Also, Atlassian didn't implement this feature for more than 10 years and they do not plan to do it anytime soon.

    I thought it would be a nice integration for Q&A since it will make collaboration easier.

    BR, Miloš

  2. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Dear Miloš,

    let's leave the request here and see whether it gets any votes. Your assumption is right that is quite a complex feature - therefore I would like to check its relevance first.

    Thank you


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