Allow hiding questions until released by creator

Issue #39 resolved
Andreas Purde repo owner created an issue

As a user I want to hide questions till I release them (eventually including the answer already). Limiting the access rights is not suitable for me as I don’t necessarily have the necessary permissions.

Comments (4)

  1. Ronny Walter Michelsen

    That would be a very helpful functionality. I'm sure, this would significantly increase the acceptance of Smart Q&A for use as a knowledge database.

  2. Andreas Purde reporter

    Dear Ronny,

    would it be acceptable to just visually hide the content until it is released by the creator?

    This implementation has to following effects:

    • No need to implement additional notification mechanism when the page becomes visible. Smart Q&A sends out notifications when a question is created not when it becomes visible.
    • Although the question content is not visible for the standard user more talented users would be able to gain access (via search, direct link etc.).
    • Answers can only be given once the question has been released.

    Thank you


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