Unable to add new SVG Out macros to page

Issue #5 closed
Andreas Purde repo owner created an issue

What is the issue

A recent change by Atlassian prevents the insertion of new SVG Out macros via the "+" menu in the menu bar. The editor for the macro shows properly but once you hit "insert" the dialog closes without showing the macro placeholder. Editing of existing SVG Out macros works as expected.

Workaround No. 1 for pages

Type { in the editor and select SVG Out. Don't use the "+" menu from the menu bar.


Workaround No. 2 for pages (not drafts)

In case you used the "+" menu to insert a new SVG Out macro use the "Insert" button provided on the "Source" tab to close the dialog. Don't use the "Insert" button at the bottom on the right.


💡 This method does not work on draft pages.

Workaround for comments

Use the "Insert" button provided on the "Source" tab for both (!) insert and update. See figure above.

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