Watch remains on pages moved out of the tree

Issue #1 closed
Davin Studer created an issue

The watch on a page remains when it is moved out of the watched tree. Since you are creating the watches it might be handy to keep track of which watches were created by your plugin and when a page is moved out of a watched tree if the watch was created by your plugin then remove it.

Comments (2)

  1. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Hi Davin,

    thank you very much for the improvement.

    We had a short internal discussion whether your suggested approach would be best or if the plugin should generate an additional tree watch for the branch moved out of the tree watch (without changing the single watches of the branch). Background: the user wanted to watch the whole tree once. In case a branch is moved out he/she still may want to watch the moved branch. Adding an additional tree watch for that branch would allow the user at least to control the behavior.

    Regards, Andreas

  2. Andreas Purde repo owner

    fixed in version 1.1.0 such that a branch moved out of a tree-watch gets an additional tree-watch if not covered by another tree-watch - we thought this is better rather than removing the watches

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