Tree-watch without auto-watch of pages itself

Issue #12 closed
Anne EQS created an issue

We're looking for an option to only send out the tree-watch notifications for new pages and skip the auto-watch function.

When a new page or branch is added the users 'tree-watching' that tree should be notified. But they shouldn't be autp-added as watchers of that new page.

Usecase are our birthday congratulation pages (for several reasons we use pages, not blog posts). Our users like the tree-watch option to get notifed on the current birthdays, but don't want to receive notifications for all the congratulation comments following...

Comments (9)

  1. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Dear Anna,

    if I get you right you are thinking of something like an additional menu entry:

    Watch tree limited (just watch for added pages - leave the watch flags on each page as they are)


  2. Anne EQS reporter

    HI Andreas, requirement is to have notifications sent for new (and moved) pages, but not an e-mail for each comment. As confluence doesn't provide the option to get notified for edits only and not for comments, I was searching for a workaround - exactly what you described:

    Watch tree limited (just watch for added pages - leave the watch flags on each page as they are)

    Btw, thanks for you quick reaction - highly appreciated! (y)

  3. Andreas Purde repo owner

    This should be an easy change. I'll put it on the list for the next release (approx. end of May).

  4. Anne EQS reporter

    GREAT! (Btw, wenn ich Dir dafür mal ein Bier ausgeben kann... ich vermute, wir sind in der selben Stadt.)

  5. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Dear Anna,

    after further considerations it might not be so easy as it locked in the beginning:

    To implement additional functions which do not change the watch flags is easy. However it is going to be complicated when pages are added to the tree. In case I do not change the whole structure of the plugin it does not know what was originally wanted => for new pages in the tree the watch flag will always be set. Would this be acceptable?


  6. Anne EQS reporter

    HI Andreas, sorry for my late feedback. Unfortunately in our case the requirement is the other way round - inform about new pages, but do not add a watch flag (i.e. only send one e-mail for the new pages, but do not send e-mails for comments or updates). Is this feasible? Anne

  7. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Dear Anne. It would be possible but the effort does not match the benefit as far as I think. However there could be another option: I could change the stanard behaviour of Tree View such that the watch flag of new and added pages will only be set in case the new parent has an active watch. Examples:

    • When Fruits is not watched you will get a notice that Apple has been added but the watch flag on Apple will not be set.
    • When Drinks is watched you will get a notice that Whiskey is added and the watch flag on Whiskey will be set.
  8. Anne EQS reporter

    HI Andreas,

    want to make sure that I get it right:

    • User watches the tree 'Fruits', but has deactivated the watch flag for the motherpage 'Fruits' -->will get a notice that subpage 'Apple' has been added but the watch flag on 'Apple' will not be set, i.e. no futher notifications for changes on 'Apple'

    • User watches the tree 'Drinks' and has activated the watch flag for the motherpage 'Drinks' -->will get a notice that subpage 'Whisky' has been added and the watch flag on 'Whiskey' will be set, i.e. notifications for changes on 'Whisky'

    Correct? That's exactly what we need :-) :-)

  9. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Dear Anna,

    I solved your request in version 1.4.0. Please note that you have to activate the option in the configuration.

    I hope that the change fulfills your request.

    Kind regards und schönen Abend, Andreas

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