
Issue #14 closed
Roman Joss created an issue

Hi Andreas Thats a greate Plugin. As we use Confluence in German, i would like to Change the Text used. - Watch tree (watch this page and all descendants) - Un-Watch tree (un-watch this page and all descendants) - Tree Watches - Your tree watches - Un-watch this tree

Is there a config-file where i can Change this oder do you have language Support? Thanks a lot. Roman

Comments (7)

  1. Andreas Purde repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Dear Roman,

    there is no configuration possibility for the user to change the language. We have to translate the .properties file.

    I'll put it into the pipeline.

    Kind regards,


  2. Roman Joss reporter

    Hello Andreas

    Thanks for your reply. I try to change the file. That should work. Thanks a lot.

    Regards, Roman

  3. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Hi Roman,

    in case you are willingly to support just send me the translated file. I would cross-check it and include it in the next release - doing this you don't have to re-do your replacement every time you install a new release.

    Viele Grüße,


  4. Roman Joss reporter

    Hello Andreas

    Thanks for your reply. Yes, i will send you the translated file. I guess till end of the week.

    Regards, Roman

  5. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Dear Roman,

    any update here? Otherwise I would close the issue.

    Kind regards Andreas

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